Olmec Shang Dynasty Linguistics Writing Script Origins Similarities Transoceanic Contact Mystery Bronze Age Mariners Professor Michael Mike Xu Central Oklahoma University Ancient Shang Olmec Writing Likeness Chinese Language Scholar Han Ping Chen Oracle Bones Etchings Inscriptions Epigraphy Betty J. Meggers Dartmouth College No Coincidences Invention of Writing Comacalco Mexico Ruins Clay Brick Inscriptions Global Navigation Ice Age Sea Kings Precession Mapping Technique by Hexagon Geometry How Did Ancients Navigate by the Stars?

Michael Xu of Central Oklamoma University is really shaking things up in ancient archaeological and epigraphrical circles these days, he’s been proving (but with much pushback from many of his colleagues) that most of the characters of the ancient Shang dynasty writing system of China are the same as of the ancient Olmec script of Central America, with the majority of the 146 characters of the Olmec script being identical to Shang characters, such for the words:  sun, mountain, artist, water, rain, sacrifice, health, plants, wealth, and earth.

As Betty J. Meggers of Dartmouth College, who agrees with Xu, says there are no coincidences in epigraphy, it’s quite obvious that the ancients were sailing across the Pacific to the Americas, which makes mainstream archaeologists’ hair stand on end, because they will tell you with a straight face that the only migration to the Americas from Asia in ancient times was by foot, across the Bering Strait, which was a landbridge during the Ice Age, when sea level was lower to have allowed such, but with the most sophisticated ancient buildings in the Americas of the Olmecs over 4,000 miles away from the Bering Sea, it’s certainly absurd to say that the travel there was all by foot.

And those advanced civilizations in Central (and South) America are rightly thought to have begun circa 2000 B.C., not 10000 B.C. (when the “experts” say the Ice Age ended), so if the settlers from China to the Americas all arrived by foot, when the sea level was lower, what did they do for all those supposed 8,000 years before they started building in Central America, just stand around twiddling their thumbs?  The Olmecs were the first and the most sophisticated technologists and builders in Central America, and with their script identical in many cases to the ancient Shang’s (unless you believe in unbelievable coincidences).

It’s obvious that the Shang sailed to Central America to help build the Olmec civilization, along with Africans from across the Atlantic, proven with the linguistic affinities of the Olmec to african Manding as well, and the megalithic head statues with obviously african (looking much like nigerian) features, and statues of obvioulsy Chinese looking people too (and also Caucasians with beards), it’s plain to see that the mainstream archaeologists are asleep at the wheel (which they are most of the time), as they continue to ignore solid evidence, such as the methodology which solves the mystery of how the ancients navigated across the oceans, by the stars, according to the earth’s wobble rate, at 72 years/degree, and hexagon geometry, quite obvious really, as you read article #2 at http://IceAgeCivilizations.com.

At the ancient ruins’ site at Comacalco in southern Mexico, excavators discovered the ruins of an ancient brick building with writing of many languages etched into them, which not surprisingly is virtually ignored by the mainstream scientific community because of the implications, that the ancients were navigating the globe back even during the Ice Age, which ended circa 1500 B.C., about the time the Shang were sailing more frequently to Central America because the climate was changing at that time in their ancient homeland, causing much turmoil, the turmoil which embroiled the whole ancient world, as also the sea level rose then to submerge many coastal cities, detailed under category Submerged Ancient Ruins.  So please read on to see that mainstream scientists are certainly doing their best Sergeant Schultz imitation, “I see nuthink!”

Do see http://genesisveracityfoundation.com.

4 Responses to Olmec Shang Dynasty Linguistics Writing Script Origins Similarities Transoceanic Contact Mystery Bronze Age Mariners Professor Michael Mike Xu Central Oklahoma University Ancient Shang Olmec Writing Likeness Chinese Language Scholar Han Ping Chen Oracle Bones Etchings Inscriptions Epigraphy Betty J. Meggers Dartmouth College No Coincidences Invention of Writing Comacalco Mexico Ruins Clay Brick Inscriptions Global Navigation Ice Age Sea Kings Precession Mapping Technique by Hexagon Geometry How Did Ancients Navigate by the Stars?

  1. […] Chinese connections of Olmec Civilization and late founding date […]

  2. […] Chinese. The best piece of evidence presented seems to be that Shang writing and Olmec writing were related. This is the position taken by Betty Meggers. This theory is further supported by Han Ping Chen (a […]

  3. […] Chinese. The best piece of evidence presented seems to be that Shang writing and Olmec writing were related. This is the position taken by Betty Meggers. This theory is further supported by Han Ping Chen (a […]

  4. […] Chinese. The best piece of evidence presented seems to be that Shang writing and Olmec writing were related. This is the position taken by Betty Meggers. This theory is further supported by Han Ping Chen (a […]