Lost City Road to Ubar Nicholas Clapp Rub al Khali Desert Empty Quarter Saudi Arabia Oman Yemen Marib City State Queen of Sheba Dam Irrigation Paleoclimatology Bronze Age Rainfall Kingdom of Ad City State of Thousand Pillars Towers Bronze Age Ruins Marib Fortress Sheba Ubar Kindgom Ancient Frankincense Spices Trade Commerce Routes Archaic Desertification Aqualithic Empty Quarter Arabia Atlantis of Desert Mystery Why More Rain in Middle East Arabian Peninsula Book of Genesis Bible Times?

For many years, Nicholas Clapp researched the legendary lost city of Ubar (also known as Iram), and his suspicions were proven correct that the ruins of that ancient frankincense trade hub city would be found beneath the windblown sands of the southern edge of the Rub al Khali desert of the Empty Quarter of the Arabian Peninsula when satellite photos in 1992 detected evidence of ancient roads under the sand-dunes in western Oman, merging at a location along a paleo-river which emptied into an ancient lake, long since dried up, where the ruins of Ubar, the City of Towers, was discovered, way out in the middle of nowhere, amidst a vast sea of sand, where circa 2000 B.C., when the ancient fortress was built, it was green savannah with stands of forests, with many streams and shallow lakes, much as the Sahara of Africa was at that time, as well as, the other deserts of the middle latitudes of the world, actually during the Ice Age, which ended much later than mainstream scientists are willing to admit, although such as Yale’s Harvey Weiss are coming to understand.

And about three hundred miles west from ancient Ubar, also along the southern edge of the Empty Quarter, in Yemen, are the ancient ruins of Marib, the reputed home of the Queen of Sheba, who lived there circa 950 B.C., when the huge ancient dam was built, but not a thousand years before, when the rainfall was much greater, because by the time of the Queen of Sheba and Solomon, the great rainfall which fell there during the Ice Age had greatly diminished, having necessitated that the queen build the dam for irrigation to feed the people of her kingdom, the ruins of which now are in a vast desert, one of the driest places on earth today.  But at the queen’s time, the decreased rainfall was still useful with extensive irrigation, after the drastic climate change which gripped the world circa 1500 B.C. when the sea level had begun to rapidly rise due to the melting of the Ice Age icepacks.  The climate dried out, as the dense cloudcover for the Ice Age (by more evaporation off warmer geothermally heated oceans) was greatly dissipated, because the oceans had cooled to about today’s temperatures, having caused the end of the Ice Age.

Ubar was founded by Ad, a great grandson of Nuh (Noah), according to ancient arab legend, at the time that the other great post Deluge cities were built, circa 2000 B.C., after the tower of Babel, but still during the Ice Age, when Arabia looked nothing like it does today, when the cities, now in the desert, were on streams and lakes, with no need for irrigation because of the plentious rainfall then, as confirmed by this paleo drainage and climatological evidence, from the time, circa 2000 B.C., that almost everybody is beginning to come to realize was during the Ice Age, as hard as it is for the mainstream scientists to admit, because in so doing, they are admitting a component of the biblical Genesis timeline, which is anathema to them, but with which the evidence does indeed comport, seeing now http://genesisveracityfoundation.com.

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