Roman Emperor Constantine Started Established Christmas Celebration with Pagan Festivals of Mediterranean Osirian Sarturnalia and Rites of Persian Mithra Sun Fire God Worship Merged with Christmas Celebration Edict of Toleration 313 A. D. Codified by Roman Reformer Emperor Constantine Started Christmas Celebration as Pagan Winter Solstice Festival Worhsip of Nature not Creator God

The roman emperor Constantine, three centuries after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, said he had a vision of the sun superimposed with the cross of Christ, leading him to victory in battle, and so, he instituted the Edict of Toleration in 313 A. D. for the roman empire which he ruled, declaring the equality of all religions, including Christianity, which had been harshly persecuted for three hundred years previously.

The declaration of Christianity’s equality with other religions began the practice of the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth, but not at the time of year when Jesus was actually born, during Rosh Hashana, the Feast of Trumpets, the jewish new year, which falls on one of two days in late September (when the flocks come down out of the mountains in Israel), because it’s based on the lunar (not solar) cycle, but Constantine chose the winter solstice, the pagan new year for the ancient sun worshippers, Constantine having selected December 25 because it was the beginning of the week of celebrations of the rites of Mithra, the sun god of Persia.

And the week ending Dec. 24 was for the celebration of the Saturnalia; drunken debauchery and fertility rites, in the name of Saturn, who was Chronos, also known as the Centaur, and Satyr (a horse’s ass), the half man half horse, who was actually Ham of the Bible, the man who was corrupted by Naamah, his wife, the Nammu of assyrian legend, also known as Neith or Athena, who brought the religion of Cain through the Deluge, the religion of the worship of fire, the sun, ancestors, and fertility, the worship of nature, not the Creator of it.

Ham/Saturn/Chronos was known as the man of maps, astronomy, and timekeeping, he was also known as Khem in ancient Egypt, where he no doubt helped in masterminding the astronomically derived dimensions for the Great Pyramid of Giza, the derivation of which was predicated upon the wobble rate of the earth’s axis of 72 years/degree, which causes the constellations’ paths across then the night sky to move from one year to the next, as explained in article #2 at, demonstrating why the legendary Chronos was known as the man of maps and timekeeping; Chronos, chronology, time knowledge.

And see

2 Responses to Roman Emperor Constantine Started Established Christmas Celebration with Pagan Festivals of Mediterranean Osirian Sarturnalia and Rites of Persian Mithra Sun Fire God Worship Merged with Christmas Celebration Edict of Toleration 313 A. D. Codified by Roman Reformer Emperor Constantine Started Christmas Celebration as Pagan Winter Solstice Festival Worhsip of Nature not Creator God

  1. […] writing about this, one writer writes“The roman emperor Constantine, three centuries after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, said […]

  2. […] Empire.  Constantine decided to merge the Christian celebration of Jesus’ birth with the winter solstice celebrations and Saturnalia.  The nature of the festival declined over the centuries (as did the Roman Empire), but many of […]