RICO Act ACORN Patrick Fitzgerald Broadway Bank Tony Rezko Bill Clinton Fed the Affirmative Action Intimidation Racketeering Across State Lines RICO Statute Conspiracy to Aid and Abet ACORN Fraud Knowledge Nancy Pelosi Harry Reid Barney Frank Chris Dodd Democrats Potentially Targets in Patrick Fitzgerald’s RICO National Criminal Voter Fraud Probe Barack Obama could be Implicated

Federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, now getting Obama’s jailed pal Tony Rezko to flip, and having prosecuted ACORN cases in Illinois, is now engaged in a RICO investigation of ACORN in at least ten battleground states, and with Rezko providing new information to Fitzgerald, it’s conceivable then even Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and others, who little doubt were in the loop, could be investigated within the perview of the RICO Act, that they knew about the scam, but did nothing about it, having positions of authority, making it worse.

The Broadway Bank in Chicago, Rezko’s bank, is being investigated concerning the financing of the ACORN voter fraud scam, with money crossing state lines, a concerted effort to cause chaos in the battleground states, which Patrick Fitzgerald is now pursuing as if he means business, so we shall see how far the investigation leads. 

Bill and Hillary Clinton filed suit in several states against ACORN for voter fraud during the primaries, I remember Bill talking about it in Nevada, so it’s irony, because Clinton rubber stamped all the loose lending policies to minorities during the 90’s, feeding Obama’s political machine, which came back to haunt the Clintons when the democrats’ presidential nomination was probably stolen from Hillary, no wonder Bill and Hillary are not campaigning enthusiastically for Obama, a clear signal to their backers to vote McCain/Palin.

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