Barack Hussein Obama Helped into Harvard Law School Recommended by Letter from Attorney for Nation of Islam’s Malcom X Percy Sutton Wrote Letter to Harvard for Obama at Request of Islamic Banker Dr. Khalid al Mansour Founder of Saudi African Bank Asked Percy Sutton to Recommend Obama Knowing B. Hussein’s Allegiance to Nation of Islam through Trinity United Christian Church of Jeremiah Wright has a video clip (under Amanda Carpenter’s August 26 post entitled “Are Khalid al Mansour and Obama Friends?”) of Malcolm X’s attorney, Percy Sutton, saying that rich muslim businessman Dr. Khalid al Mansour (who founded the Saudi African Bank) asked him to write a letter of recommendation to Harvard Law on behalf of Barack H. Obama, who was community organizing in Chicago at the time, on the model of communist organizer Saul Alinsky (artfully described in Jerome Corsi’s new smash hit book The Obama Nation), mentoring by that time under Jeremiah Wright, who embraces black Muslims as spiritual brothers, for “black liberation,” and this obviously inspired Mansour and then Sutton, who saw Obama as an ally, potentially at the highest levels of the u.s. government in the future, so off went B. Hussein to Harvard Law, to later be that ally at the highest levels of government, Barack Hussein Obama, the apparent nominee for President of the United States of America.

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