Clear Channel Blunders Firing Houston Talk Show Sensation Chris Baker from KPRC/KTRH Radio in Puzzling Move for Ratings to Plummet as Chris Baker is Money in the Bank for Somebody

In a bizarro move, Clear Channel’s KPRC/KTRC Radio has fired Houston mega talkshow star Chris Baker from his afternoon and evening shows, but he was far-and-away their biggest moneymaker.

On his shows, Chris addressed, with great humor (as he’s also a stand-up comedian and writer) the issues concerning Houstonians, and really, issues which concern all Americans who appreciate and seek to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  He has a marvelously humorous way of painting the absurdity of much of what we see around us, such as:  labor unions for illegal aliens (amazing!), Houston being a “sanctuary city” (which means there is no such thing as an illegal alien in Houston and the other “sanctuary cities”), how liberals preach “tolerance” for everybody except those who oppose them, and how La Raza (“The Race”) is a racist organization seeking to undermine the sovereignty of the U.S. under our Constitution, always with a sardonic and quite clever wit, which I’m sure makes his opponents borderline-furious, but that’s the radio biz, and Chris made them alot of money.

But now Chris is a free agent, working on a movie, doing a little stand-up, I guess, and fielding other offers, so I hope another radio station in Houston gets hold of this guy, he’s money, the gem of Houston radio, fired for yet unknown reasons, much beloved by the Houston public, a real mystery.

And for a change of pace, a little ancient metrics, checkout article #2 at, to see how the ancients measured the earth by its wobble rate; amazing.

Maybe Chris should get rolling with this

One Response to Clear Channel Blunders Firing Houston Talk Show Sensation Chris Baker from KPRC/KTRH Radio in Puzzling Move for Ratings to Plummet as Chris Baker is Money in the Bank for Somebody

  1. new games e3 says:

    new games e3

    Clear Channel Blunders Firing Houston Talk Show Sensation Chris Baker from KPRC/KTRH Radio in Puzzling Move for Ratings to Plummet as Chris Baker is Money in the Bank for Somebody |