Circle Geometry Nautical Mile Mapping Squaring Four Base Sides Great Pyramid of Giza Origin Reason for Length of Ancient Royal Cubit Babylonian Egyptian Bronze Age Mathematics Greek Olympic Foot Stadia Earth Commensurate Calculations Proportion Reduction Ley Lines Astronomy Ancient Navigation Precession World Axis Tree Squaring the Circle Khufu’s Pyramid Secret Sacred Earth Measures Triangulation Star Sailing Seafaring Routes

The base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid of Giza is a reduction of the circumference length of the earth by a factor of 43,200, twice the number of nautical miles which compose the circumference length of the earth, and so, as the Great Pyramid’s perfectly square base, aligned to true north, was designed to represent a reduction of the circle of the earth, the Great Pyramid was obviously intended to represent a hemisphere of the earth, in pyramidal form, the ancient Egyptians having chosen to build a four-sided pyramid, rather than a cone or a dome, as the desired form by which to demonstrably manifest their ability to precisely determine the size of the earth, with the methodology explained for your understanding in article #2 at

The length of ancient royal cubit was determined by the methodology explained in the link, as was the ancient greek foot, which was 12.16 modern inches in length, 1/3,000th of the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid, which is exactly half a modern nautical mile along its four base sides, so the ancients, during the Ice Age actually (see category Catastrophic Climate Change), were navigating the globe using various measures, but all based upon geometry, which means earth measure, the basis for our nautical mile mapping system, circle geometry, and for the numerations co-opted for the religion of astrology, worhipping the creation rather than the Creator.

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