Obama’s Pastor Jeremiah Wright Liberation Theology Rant Sermons Social Gospel Barack Obama Sandinistas Daniel Ortega Contras Anti Communism Force Raila Odinga Sharia Law Overthrow Imperialism Jihad Enabler Obama Global Islamic Theocracy Power to People

Back in the 1980’s, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua declared “liberation” theology for his people, the same liberation theology espoused by Barack Obama’s longtime pastor and confidante, Jeremiah Wright, whose sermon rants, now being widely broadcast, are sinking Barack Obama’s run for the presidency.  Ortega was backed by the communist Russians, and was on the verge of establishing a communist dictatorship in Nicaragua, but Ronald Reagan funded the Contras to fight back and win.  Wright and Obama would’ve been on Team Sandinista back then, and may well have supported them, as many Liberals did back in the 80’s, so this is the “liberation” which they espouse, government tyranny by leftist socialists, threatening and revolutionary, just like Daniel Ortega was, but has since joined the real world of Nicaragua, working within their democracy now.  (But by the way, Ortega has endorsed Obama, for whatever that’s worth.)

Obama calls his religion the “social gospel,” which is another way of saying liberation theology, “power to the people,” and Obama’s cousin in Kenya, Raila Odinga, recently ran in and lost the election for president there, running with the same social gospel and revolutionary “power to the people” and “change” mantra-code-words for socialist government tyranny; in Odinga’s case in Kenya, his form of socialist tyranny was to be Islamic Sharia Law, which he promised to his muslim supporters if elected.

Obama campaigned along with Dick Morris for Odinga, whose campaign was financed by none other than Mohammar Khaddafi, islamicist dictator and terrorist of Libya, whom Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan visited back in the late 80’s; Obama’s longtime pastor, Jeremiah Wright, with Farrakhan, obviously scheming some “liberation theology” and “social gospel” with Khaddafi, but not russian style communism this time, Sharia Law, governments to rule over the burgeoning muslim populations of Africa, as Islam spreads across it by the sword.

When Odinga lost the election, when the “social gospel” and “liberation theology” for Kenya was defeated, the muslim “oppressed,” Odinga’s supporters, went on a bloody rampage, killing over 1,000 Christians, burning churches and vehicles, stalking the neighborhoods with machetes, a horrible tragedy, but supported by Obama.  Remember that photo of Obama in his muslim hajj gear in Kenya?  That was when he was there campaigning for Odinga, relating to his electorate, those Muslims who want Sharia Law for Kenya, in the guise of “liberation theology,” which Wright and Obama see as Christianity.  Go figure. 

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